Despite a relatively coolish start to our Australian Summer, the season has now taken hold with us enduring some days mid to high thirty degree temperatures. Whilst I've been getting out into the garden nice & early - before the heat takes hold, we've spent the afternoons indoors - PS3, iPod Touch, Computer and Board & Card games all come in very handy to keep everyone occupied!
Here's a blast from the past with my old game of CLUEDO!
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I think it took Adam a little while to grasp the concept of the original board game, but I think he enjoyed playing the 'real thing' as opposed to the computer version that he's played in the past.
Another game we've had fun with is the game of UNO STACKO - a new one that Adam got for Christmas! I wasn't too sure what it would be like BUT we've had lots of laughs so far!
Build the tower of UNO Stacko blocks and then take turns to remove a block - one hand only - from the tower & place it onto the top - it might at first sound like an easy game BUT remember in UNO you have to match a COLOUR OR NUMBER AND also someone might get nasty and play a DRAW TWO, in which case you have to remove two blocks & replace them onto the top.
As the game progresses, the tower becomes more & more unstable as it's foundation is tampered with and blocks are precariously balanced until ultimately the tower tumbles down!
I have to admit, despite lots of wobbles, the tower did get a lot higher than I thought it would! Oh - and I don't think MAX our Miniature Schnauzer really liked all the noise when the tower did finally come crashing down . . . he may be going deaf BUT he still heard the noise everytime!
Before I sign off for today, I want to take this opportunity to wish two dear friends - Heather & Maree - a very Happy Birthday for today! I hope that you both have the most wonderful day and that you get spoilt rotten too!
Have a great day!